Market Share Statistics for Internet Technologies

Query Definition Language

To generate a report, POST JSON with the options below to

Click here for the list of standard entities and attributes

Click here for the query tester

A minimal call:

(see below for more examples)
{ "entity" "monthlyShare", "timeframe": "2017-10", "attributes": "share", "group": "browser" }




Show browser/platform share for US and Canada for July, 2017:

    "entity": "monthlyShare",
    "timeframe": "2017-07",
    "group": "browser, platform",
    "sort": {
        "share": -1
    "attributes": "share",
    "filter": {
        "countryCode": { "$in": [ "US", "CA" ] }

Show device type share for each day of July, 2017:

    "entity": "dailyShare",
    "timeframe": "2017-07",
    "group": "day, deviceType",
    "sort": {
        "share": -1
    "attributes": "share"

Show top platforms by country for July, 2017:

    "entity": "monthlyShare",
    "timeframe": "2017-07",
    "group": "country, platform",
    "sort": {
        "share": -1
    "attributes": "share",
    "sort": {
        "country": -1,
        "share": -1

Show top search engine share on mobile devices for July, 2017:

    "entity": "monthlyShare",
    "timeframe": "2017-07",
    "group": "searchEngine",
    "sort": {
        "share": -1
    "attributes": "share",
    "filter": {
        "deviceType": "Mobile"

How much web traffic was over HTTPS last month?:

    "entity": "monthlyHTTPS",
    "timeframe": "lastMonth",
    "group": "secure",
    "sort": {
        "share": -1
    "attributes": "share"